Thoughts, opinions, books, articles, podcasts, and reviews. Let’s go on a journey of discovery through words, collaboration, and conversation.

The Alchemy of Gratitude

The Alchemy of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for all the usual reasons:  it’s an occasion to stop our busy lives and break bread as we share a delicious traditional meal. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our freedoms in this incredible country and a moment to pause and...

Magnify your focus (and own your lane)

Magnify your focus (and own your lane)

Are you fascinated by a magnifying glass's ability to focus sunlight so that it can create fire?  As a kid, I was always intrigued by this concept. As an adult, I realize that the magnifying glass symbolizes our ability to focus our energies/talents. By doing so,...

God is in the Results Business

God is in the Results Business

I spent many years comparing myself to others and wanting what they had - without putting in the work. I wanted the awards and recognition, hell, I wanted the six-pack - but I didn’t necessarily want to do the workouts. I wanted it all and I wanted it immediately!  I...

How Leaky Is Your Bucket?

How Leaky Is Your Bucket?

I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but “leaky bucket” is not one of them! So, when a good friend told me ‘We are all leaky buckets’, I had to hear more. He said that every day we wake up as an empty bucket, and we need to fill our buckets up in the morning...

Sharing “My Why” with WPDE-TV

Sharing “My Why” with WPDE-TV

The launch of my book, The Success Paradox: How to Surrender and Win in Life and Business, has brought so many incredible opportunities. It was officially launched on the 13th of June, and the response has been incredible. The book has been on several Amazon...